Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Just to show some comparison photos of my condition: the first is me and my wife back in 1993; the second photo is me and my Aunt in 2005.

So, got some annoying news today from my Endo. My IGF is 506... 2 months after surgery. It went from 641 in Dec '08, to 591 in Jan '09 and now 506. We are so disappointed, only because we really were hoping for good news on the numbers. I now have to discuss "treatment" next week with my Endo. Does this mean radiation and/or meds? Will I still be able to work? Will I still feel ok after going through more treatments?

This actually doesn't come to much of a surprise to me, although I was hopeful. The reason being because I still have those wierd twitches each morning that I've had for a long time, and I always knew I didn't feel right. And then since the surgery, I still get hot flashes and really do not feel much better. But I don't have that pressure in the back of my head anymore.

I went back to work a week ago. It felt good to think that I was healed. And now I am sort of confused as to what my future will be like now.